Jameson brand ambassador Nick Miles wants to get to know you, not sell you
The award-winning brand ambassador for Jameson does the role his own way.

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This week’s Drinks At Work podcast might just be my favourite podcast yet.
There’s something of a theme to the most recent trio of guests on the Drinks At Work podcast. The older I get, the more I realise that a rewarding career — whether it’s in the world of drinks or bars or events or whatever — can be built through acts of service.
This is kind of old hat for bartenders, in a way — they’re out there, night after night, ensuring the public is having a good time. The best bartenders get joy from giving you a great night out, from being of service to others. It makes me think of something noted American bartender Steve Schneider once said to me: “When you start bartending for other people, the job is so fucking easy.”
And the common theme between Michael Bascetta from Worksmith and Melbourne Cocktail Festival, Penny Sippe of Australian Cocktail Month, and this week’s guest, Jameson ambassador Nick Miles, is that their work helps people, fosters a strong community, and creates meaning in their own careers and day to day life.
That’s the chief takeaway from my chat with Nick Miles. He’s a good friend, someone I love to talk shop with, and someone who gives a lot in his day to day work life. Ask bartenders what they think of Nick Miles, and they’ll tell you what a great guy he is before they mention brands or work.
That’s part of the reason why Nick was the winner of the 2018 brand ambassador of the year award at the Bartender Magazine Bar Awards, for his work as the Australian Sailor Jerry ambassador. A couple of years as the ambassador for beer brand Estrella followed, but in the midst of lockdowns and covid, Nick suffered an accident, breaking his neck, being bedridden for months, and needing to learn to walk again.

They were tough times for a guy who brings a lot of joy into the lives of the people he comes into contact with, and he speaks eloquently and emotionally here about how they have since inspired the way he goes about his work.
I’m careful to not make too much of the accident, by the way — Nick has always been a caring, emotionally-invested and supportive guy to the people around him. But the way he has come back from his accident and the depression that brought on — it’s like all the great things about him have a renewed focus and purpose. He’s a humble guy and he won’t like me saying this, but fuck it, because it’s true: he’s an inspiration to so many of us.
He’s also a funny bastard, and I think you’ll enjoy this week’s podcast. I’d usually summarise the show and put a few takeaways for you down below, but for this one I think you should hear from Nick himself. Give the show a listen, and get behind his Jamo Cares event when it rolls into your town over the next couple of months.
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You can listen to on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music and on Android.