James MacRae talks to Electra venue manager Chase Baldacchino

Plus, get their two gin-led recipes from the Curious Gin Trail.

James MacRae and Chase Baldacchino. Photo: Boothby
James MacRae and Chase Baldacchino. Photo: Boothby

The Hendrick’s Curious Gin Trail is back at Adelaide Fringe right now, with 10 great bars to visit showing just how good the cocktail scene is in Adelaide right now.

Adelaide bar Electra is a three level venue housed in an historic building, with a little something for everyone. If you like your outdoor drinking areas, they’ve got it here — they’ve also got some impressive, stately, high-ceilinged rooms in which to do your thing.

And Electra is on this year’s Curious Gin Trail, so Hendrick’s ambassador James Macrae — you may also know him as the irrepressible Wee James — spoke to bar manager Chase Baldacchino to find out what’s in store.


Please introduce yourself, good sir.

My name is Chase, I’m the general manager here. I’ve been here now bordering on eight years. It’s a fun venue to be at.

What was it originally? A bank?

Originally it was a life insurance building, like the old safety deposit boxes and things. But most importantly it was the old Adelaide switchboard.

What is Fringe like for you guys at Electra?

It’s four weeks of chaos really. In the best possible way. You get people in the evening more, like on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, it just brings people out every day.

Of course you’ve got two very exciting Hendrick’s cocktails on the menu for that Fringe period. Can you tell us a little bit about them?

The first one using the classic Hendrick’s, I kept it classic, keeping the typical ingredients, cucumber, lime, tiny bit of sugar in there. We’re calling it Green Juice, really tall, refreshing cocktail, perfect for a hot day.

The Neptunia cocktail, I kind of steered away from where I thought I was going to go, but when I tried it, I found it quite unique. It’s got bit of saltiness, it’s very savoury. And I just kept going down that route and I landed on salted cherry blossoms, which I’ve never used before. I’ve eaten them before and I like the flavour. It’s kind of a Gimlet, but it’s very salty, sour, with savoury notes. It’s the polar opposite of the first one.

Obviously we’ve got some superb venues as part of the Curious Gin Trail. Where would you maybe start your night?

Hains & Co. —  if I’m going there with a group of mates in the outside area there, it’s always a good time.

The Green Juice at Electra. Photo: Nick Turner.
The Green Juice at Electra. Photo: Nick Turner.

Green Juice

  • 45ml Hendrick’s Gin
  • 60ml cucumber and mint juice
  • 15ml sugar
  • 15ml lime

Build ingredients in a Highball glass.

The Blossom at Electra. Photo: Nick Turner
The Blossom at Electra. Photo: Nick Turner


  • 45ml Hendrick’s Neptunia Gin
  • 15ml salted cherry blossom syrup
  • 30ml fresh lemon juice