Bar Bellamy, Rosella’s go to Double Deuce Lounge for a one night only takeover this Sunday
Each bar won the best cocktail bar in their state — get a look at the night’s menu.

What are you doing this Sunday night? Will we see you at Double Deuce Lounge?
On Sunday at 7pm three of Australia’s best cocktail bars are teaming up to put on some great drinks and snacks for one night only. Each of the bars — Rosella’s from the Gold Coast, Melbourne’s Bar Bellamy, and Sydney’s own Double Deuce Lounge — were named the best cocktail bar in their respective state this year.
And each of the four bartenders on shift — Alicia Clarke (Double Deuce Lounge), Jack Connor (Rosella’s) and Oska Whitehart and Alex Gondzioulis (Bar Bellamy) — have got drinks on the Boothby Drink of the Year Awards Top 50, too.
So it’s going to be one delicious night with the best of the best. So what’s on the menu? Take a look below.

“I can’t wait to work with these two bars!” says Double Deuce Lounge co-owner Sebastian Cosmo Soto. “I’m a big fan of both of them — in fact, I was at Rosella’s only last week. (Thanks for the hangover.)
“These two bars represent the best of their states, they offer humble relaxed service that make you automatically feel at ease. They are, like us, independent small bars in which the owners operate and work in their bars. Which I feel always gives it a more family feel and a very honest hospitality experience,” Cosmo says.
“Their drinks are some of the best in the country. Championing local native ingredients and employing the best techniques, and we can’t wait to try them on Sunday night!”
And a huge thanks, too, to Glenfiddich and Hendrick's Gin for helping to bring them all together, and to James Macrae and Ross Blainey for all their help in pulling it together.
“This really is three of the top bars in the country and the world,” says Ross, “and having them in one place is a rare privilege. We can’t wait to host them and you!”
See you all at Deuce on Sunday.
The details
Time: 7pm to 11pm
Date: Sunday 17 November
Where: Double Deuce Lounge
RSVP: No need! See you there.