Get Jac Landmark’s recipe for Konbini

Jac Landmark is a Perth based bartender with a rather special addition to her resume: she’s spent time behind the stick at Bar High Five under the master bartender that is Hidetsugu Ueno.
“This drink was inspired by my time interning at Bar High Five in Tokyo,” Jac says. “Before my internship, I was told that Hidetsugu Ueno would be ruthless and cutthroat. I was told that I would cry, and if it got too much no one would judge me if I left early. To my surprise (and relief), it was the exact opposite. That first shift, I laughed so hard I cried, and afterwards, Ueno-san and Kaori-san took me to FamilyMart and introduced me to the Afternoon Milk Tea Frappe. They come out of the ice cream section, you squeeze them and pop them in the coffee machine, which will release warm milk. You stir it up, and savour the delicious tea-flavoured delight, topped with little cookie crumbles.
“My drink is a reflection of that, with the cool tea and whisky base, warm foam and cookie crumble on top, and the ice sphere, which was my favourite thing I learnt from Ueno-san. It’s the closest thing I have to that delicious frappe, and serves as a constant reminder of my time in Japan every time I make it in the bar.”

60ml Toki Whisky
15ml assam black tea reduction
10ml honey lactose syrup
Stirred, and strained over a hand carved ice sphere in a lowball glass. Topped with a warm coconut and vanilla bean foam. Garnished with afternoon tea cookie dust.