Get the recipe for Continental Deli's Coffee Negroni

Coffee and the Negroni — just make it milk-washed.

Get the recipe for Continental Deli's Coffee Negroni

This drink is one of the Boothby Top 50 Drinks of the Year 2022 — you can see the full Top 50 here.

“The Coffee Negroni re-imagined with the addition of giving the vermouth and Campari a milk punch, it strips the colour making a more true white Negroni,” says the drink’s creator Michael Nicolian. “The inclusion of coffee with the milk and the Negroni is just a great match.”

The Coffee Negroni


  • 500ml Campari
  • 500ml sweet vermouth
  • 1ltr milk for milk punch with above ingredients
  • 20ml Citrus juice to create separation of whey and curds
  • 500ml loggerhead coffee bean infused gin.


  1. Pour out 90ml and serve over a Bare Bones Ice cube.
  2. Recipe by Michael Nicolian, Continental Deli, Sydney