The Death Or Glory cocktail from Earl's Juke Joint is a drink we love
This drink from Dale Schoon is one the 2023 Boothby Top 50 Drinks of the Year.

The London Calling is a great drink, to be sure — we've written about it before. But we think this riff on the drink — which adds a little DIY rockmelon syrup to things — might be even better.
The drink comes from Earl's Juke Joint bar manager Dale Schoon — get the recipe below — and, like the London Calling, is named for a song by The Clash.

Death Or Glory recipe
40ml gin
15ml fino sherry
20ml lemon juice
20ml rockmelon syrup
2 dashes orange bitters
- Shake all ingredients with ice.
- Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
- Garnish with a grapefruit zest.
For the Rockmelon Syrup:
Dice rockmelon flesh and combine equal weight with sugar. Vac-seal (or mix well in an airtight container) and store refrigerated overnight. Strain and press off solids through fine chinois.